I actually saw this image on Facebook while trying to come up with an item to present as this week's blog. When I saw this picture it made me laugh at first than it hit me about how true this post is. I have seen girls in middle school that wear more make up than me. What has all these little girls wanting to grow up so quickly? And what are we doing about this current situation? With 30% of girls' clothing being sexualized, according to LiveScience.com girls are seeing themselves as sex objects at a very young age.
Little girls everywhere are suffering from eating disorders because they think this is the way they are supposed to look. There has been eating disorders around for a long time now but they are now starting with girls who are younger and younger. These kind of standards are unreachable and impossible to live up to.
Honestly, I am completely disguised that this is allowed on the internet and is not considered child pornography. I would not even want to see a supermodel wearing this because it is so inappropriate. This bathing suit covers barely what he needs to and it even looks like she is in some kind of fashion show. I must comment that I give them props for not doing her face up to make her look even older but the bath suit is not the right size and is inappropriate for her age.
I think it is very sad that girls are taught from a very young age to always be beautiful and "sexy." I put sexy in quotes because there is nothing actually sexy about a child. This emphasis on looking perfect in their formative years is setting these girls up for a lifetime of self-esteem problems. When I was a child, I dressed in bright colored stripes, cartoon character t-shirts, and my favorite, long flowing skirts that I could twirl around in. Many children these days would not be seen in these types of clothes. Instead, they just look like mini teenagers.