Thursday, May 1, 2014

Too Young For Social Media

Facebook is a very popular website that has been being used all over the world for years now. It provides a way for people to connect to friends and family. It also allows those people to share what's going on in their life with everyone and share pictures/videos. But now, there is a problem that teens are facing using this social media. Stupidity.

Teens have been using the social media to post pictures that won't look so good in the future. A guy saying his crush will have sex with him if he gets a million likes? And she's willing to do it if it happens? It has gone to a level of worse when these type of "challenges" arise. It shows how consumed and addicted to social media teens are. To be willing to share your body for enough Facebook likes.

Social media has now been the place that underage teens post evidence of them participating in illegal activity. Like getting drunk underage or smoking weed. Something that future job seekers can be denied for. A company can look them up and find pictures of potential employees and deny them based on what they find on the internet about them. Once a picture is up, the picture then belongs to Facebook or whatever social media it is posted. Privacy features only protect so much so you are never going to be completely private to just your friends.

Kids now are getting introduced to Facebook at younger and younger ages. Again, the million likes challenge is displayed with children that look like range from ages 1 or 2 to 10. This would provide children with the confirmation that Facebook is a good thing to use and think that it is safe. Children do not know what they should or shouldn't say or post. They also may be hurting their friendships because they aren't getting a automatic response.

This is the kind of practice that should be shown to children. A teacher had posted this to see how many shares and likes it would get. Unfortunately, I could not find out how many likes she ended up getting but I can almost guarantee it was a lot. I have seen pictures like this circuiting around Facebook before. I believe this is a great way to show children how they need to be careful with Facebook and other social medias. Things can and will be shared all over the world. They can even become searchable on Google, just like this picture.

1 comment:

  1. I was very happy to see the teacher teaching her elementary students how anything you post on the internet really is public and can be seen by anyone. Most adults try to use scare tactics such as telling the child they won't get a job or get into college, or that someone will find them and kidnap them. However, children tend to think they are invincible and that nothing bad will happen. I believe that showing children how far-reaching the internet is is a much better way of teaching children to be careful on the internet than just using scare tactics.
