Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Advertising Problem

Advertising is such a huge subject in society today. We are exposed to so much and now even children are being bombarded with these ads more and more. With the government having no restrictions on who these companies can advertise to, children are having more parents pay for all these cool toys. That being said, psychologist say how wrong this is considering children under the age of 8 can not comprehend that people are just trying to sell items, it won't make them cool.

Many of these marketers go through a ridiculous amount of work before letting a commercial hit the television to advertise to children. Cereal boxes even have their characters looking down because they assume that it pushes the product on children who have to look up to them. Many places run samples for commercials and television shows, using the amount of times that a child blinks to indicate whenever or not the advertising is working or if the television show is interesting enough.

All these advertising make it hard for some children. It's a new perception that cool is now associated with expensive. A lot of ads I have seen myself, the children have better clothes than me. This is causing a strain on parents because they are constantly except to be buying their children the newest things but if your family isn't completely rich, you can kinda screwed. Children now a days have Ipods, Ipads, Iphones, and mac books causing them to play a lot less outside. When I grew up we played outside till the street lights came on, but now just taking away your child's electronics is enough because they are not used to playing outside. They really don't know what they're missing. Advertising is just making this problem worse, making children believe that they won't have friends which such items, causing children to throw more fits when it comes to getting these items.

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